Glow 23 Costumes
FGlow Grounds 2024
Vortex 22
underwater 22
Glow 22
Rain Fairie 22
Bubbles 22
Glow 23 side one
Glow 23 spidercar
Glow 23

Rain Glow is Canceled

Please Support & Thank our Sponsors

2025 Aberdeen Rain Glow Festival  is canceled


Thank you to our over 12,000 guests!

Costumes! Live Music! Art and Fun!



Scenes from past Rain Glow Festivals

Vendor Application 

Looking for 50 + vendors!

click on application, copy and paste to word doc. fill out and return by email to or snail mail to 200 W Market St, Aberdeen, WA 98520




It's all about getting out with friends and enjoying the sights and sounds of art and light.

Come Celebrate with us!

Presented by:
Aberdeen Art Center | Harbor Art Guild | Senior Sunset Times

2024 Aberdeen Rain Glow Festival July 27. 9p.m. to 1a.m.

For best price, presale tickets will be available.

Looking for 50+ vendors!



(Rules are subject to change each year, please check back for latest information)

Suggested items that sell well: Candles, glow in the dark clothing, glow toys, tie dye clothing, artwork with lights – glow in the dark elements, night lights, lighting, flash lights, bicycle accessories, pet supplies, garden art, hats (especially ones with lights and glow!), jewelry, shaved ice, glow drinks, balloons, food, be creative! *Antique and vintage items accepted with well-lit booths.

  1. No garage sale items!
  2. All booth items must be described on the application and approved before the festival.
  3. Booth set up: A tent/pop up canopy is required at each booth. Vendor booth must fit within the dimensions of their designated space, that includes all secure tie downs, poles, tables, etc. All supplies are provided by the vendor and secured within their space. Sorry, Rain Glow does not have staff available to help you assemble and set up your both. Booths must be decorated with illuminated objects like lights. Be creative. Best decorated booth will receive a prize.
  4. Vendor applications for booth space will be accepted up until the deadline. Any inquiries after the deadline cannot be guaranteed. Rain Glow, Harbor Art Guild, and Aberdeen Art Center reserve the right to assign all vendor locations.
  5. Set up times for all vendors will begin at pm July 27th. Your booth location and number will be assigned when you check in.
  6. Security is provided during the event.  If you need to be set up next to another vendor, please include that information on your application and check back to see if that is approved prior to the event.
  7. Changing or “swapping” locations with another vendor cannot be done without prior approval by the Rain Glow Festival.
  8. All vendors must be checked in and set up, products in booth, and ready to sell by 9:00 PM.
  9. No refunds for no-show or cancellation unless cancellation is due to natural disaster, government mandates, or severe inclement weather.
  10. Electricity for lights for vendor booths will be provided. Internet connection will not be provided, please provide mobile data for your internet needs. Food trucks will need to secure their own power. Please make arrangements to have a generator.


Not permitted for sale under any circumstances at the festival:

Guns, weapons, and/or ammunition, counterfeit items, fireworks, obscene and/or pornographic materials, plagiarized artwork, or any items not approved by Rain Glow or the local and/or state health department or other legal authorities.

  1. All food vendors must be in alignment with state health department standards for food and drink sales. 
  2. Vendors shall be in good standing with all laws, regulations, ordinances, possess current necessary licenses, insurance, permits, and comply with any necessary inspections.
  3. Vendors are responsible for compliance with sales tax regulations on all items sold.
  4. Vendors are responsible for their own displays and hardware, including chairs, tables, tents/canopies, weather protection, etc.
  5. Vendors MUST keep their assigned location clean and free of debris, waste, and any other hazard.
  6. Vendors attend at their own risk. Rain Glow and the owners of the festival are not responsible for any theft, damage, accident, or loss occurring during the festival or resulting therefrom.
  7. Full payment must accompany each completed application.  No partial payments will be accepted. All checks are subject to deposit upon receipt. Make checks payable to: Harbor Art Guild. Printed registration forms can be dropped off or mailed to: Aberdeen Rain Glow, 200 W. Market St. Aberdeen, WA 98520. Applications for vendor space are not complete until an application has been submitted and approved and all fees are paid.
  8. Tear down must be completed at the end of the Festival, Sunday morning. All vendors are responsible for cleaning up their space – Do not leave items or trash behind – haul it out with you. Any trash or debris left behind may result in future applications not being approved.
  9. Rough, menacing, vulgar, profane, abusive language, behavior, or a harassment of any kind will not be tolerated. If you have questions or concerns, contact the Event Director, Douglas Orr at or call 562-208-4226. All calls are returned promptly.



  • Registration is on a first come, first served basis. Space is limited, the earlier you register, the better chance you have of reserving the space you prefer from those available.
  • The director will be available to help guide you through a design and set up.
  • Displays must fill the space provided.
  • Displays cannot permanently alter the space provided, if you need assistance is constructing, contact the Event Director.
  • Glow Worlds are only accessible by wrist band holders. Your display should not be viewable to attendees who do not have a passport. World participants recieve free wrist bands before date of event. Vendors do not receive free wrist bands.
  • Take care that your world is easily navigated with a clearly defined path while immersing attendees in the Glow experience.
  • Judging will be done by staff and the winner will be given a trophy at Midnight.
  • No toxic or otherwise harmful liquids, vapor, or solids allowed in each display.
  • Take down can start promptly on Sunday at 1a.m.. All display areas should be completely clean, with no trace left behind by noon Sunday, following the event.
  • Each contestant is responsible for maintaining order in their GLOW WORLD. Contact staff is aid is needed.
  • Report any inappropriate activity to staff immediately. Safety of all our staff, attendees, and vendors is a high priority.

      If you have questions, please email the Event Director at Subject line: GLOW

      or call 562-208-4226.


We are always looking for:

Live artists | volunteers | glow acts | costume makers | Glow World builders | stilt walkers | acrobats 

live music | electrician | rope lights | projection equipment | colorful decorations 

People interested in helping create!

Email us:

Aberdeen Rain Glow Festival Map 2024

Best Illuminated

Costume Contest


1st place $200

2nd place $100


Prizes Awarded at midnight
