Woven Wall Hanging
Mother Crow 1
Scott Hawn1
fused glass flowers
dougla orr-fineart-Washington Winter
0505221600~2 (1)
butterfly column
gallery 1

Hours 12 to 6pm Thursday thru Monday

The Aberdeen Art Center is an 8,500 sq ft facility dedicated to building a better community by empowering local artists to create, show and sell their art.

We offer:

  • Classroom Space

  • Meeting Room

  • Suite #4 Alder Grove Gallery

  • Suite #2 Mother Crow's studio & gallery

  • Suite #3 Gambit Gallery & Gifts

  • Suite #1 History 98520

  • Art-in-the-Community programs

  • Downtown Phantom Galleries

  • Adoor project of the PNW

  • Home to Harbor Art Guild


Local artists paint live during events such as the annual Aberdeen Art Walk, during Sunday Farmers Market, and during the monthly First Friday's Art Walks, mural painting classes, and outdoor art installations.

Pictured below: Mural painting class by Douglas Orr, and Downtown Critter restorations, and Pollinators Park mosaic butterfly tower

Alder Grove Gallery

Located in Suite #4 at the Aberdeen Art Center

Features some of the areas' most talented artists and has new exhibits opening every other month. View the complete show in person, or by clicking on the Art Gallery tab above.
Preview our newest feature: Online Store!

Featuring Local Artists
Live Music
Live Artist Demonstrations 


Join us for the

First Friday Art Walk

at the

Aberdeen Art Center!

Live Music and Snacks 

Every First Friday of the Month
5 - 8pm

The First Friday of every month the Aberdeen Art Center hosts and open house,  art walk with artist's demos, live music, free art class and snacks. Alder Grove Gallery, History 98520, Gambit Gallery, Mother Crow's Studio & Gallery will be open. Artist  demonstrations in the Common Area. Hang out with artists, listen to the music and meet new friends.

If you are interested in participating, contact us at: info@aberdeenartcenter.com


Grays Harbor Potter's Guild

First Friday Art Walks are sponsored in part by generous donations from these fine sponsors:


Seniors Sunset Times 

Grays Harbor Community Foundation

Lora & Kim Malakoff

Douglas Orr & David Rodriguez

Harbor Art Guild

Gambit Gallery

Mother Crow's Studio & Gallery

Sierra Pacific Community Foundation

Friends of the Aberdeen Museum

Alder Grove Gallery

History 98520

Mother Crow's Studio & Gallery

Located in Suite #2 at the Aberdeen Art Center

Hours: Thursday - Monday, noon - 6pm



Rain Glow Festival

is perminently


Thank you to the more than 12,000 guests

who visited over the

last 6 years.

It was a blast!


Visit the rain glow page for 

pictures of past events


History 98520

Located in Suite #1 at the Aberdeen Art Center

Visit us every First Friday of the month from 5 to 8 pm for a photo exhibit featuring our local history. Light snacks and beverages served.

Office is open to the public
Hours: Thursdays & Fridays, 1-4pm
Masks required

200 West Market (K Street Entrance) 
Aberdeen, WA, WA 98520

We are always looking for volunteers!Contact The Friends of the Aberdeen Museum by clicking on one of the links below


Website: aberdeenmuseumfriends.org



Watercolor Classes $25 | Every Thursday 3-6 PM

All materials provided. Learn More...



Paint a Mural in Aberdeen!

Mural Painting 101 | 6-day class, August 2025

$150 All materials provided. Reserve your spot now.

call 562-208-4226



Call for Art, Artists
& Musicians


                Healing Gallery

Community Hospital Lobby

The lobby is currently closed to the public due to COVID.
Aberdeen Art Center is looking for artists with a body of work to exhibit in the halls and lobby of Grays Harbor Community Hospital. Exhibits run for 3 months.*

Contact Jan Swan for more information



Grays Harbor Open Studio Tour


Studio tour will take place October, 2025. Artists without studios can show in other artist's studios and are encouraged to participate. This Studio Tour is fashioned after the Lewis County Art Trails Studio Tour. More information to follow.


Phantom Galleries

Currently Aberdeen Art Center has one Phantom Gallery window available downtown in the former Goldberg Furniture building. Art exhibits change out quarterly. Aberdeen Art Center hangs the work and maintains clean windows and signage. For more information on submitting work: click here.  

First Friday Art Walks


Every First Friday of the month the Aberdeen Art Center and other downtown businesses promote a monthly Art Walk. As part of the Art Walk we like to offer artist demonstrations, free art class in the classroom, free snacks and punch and live music; hours are from about 5 to 8pm at the center. If you are an artist interested in participating, it's free and 100% of your sales that day are yours to keep.* If you would like to teach an art class, a stipend is available through Harbor Art Guild. Contact us for more information.

*With the exception of live demonstration during the Art Walk, Aberdeen Art Center takes 30% commission on all art sold.

Artists In Action: Call for Artists
Third Saturday Art Walk 

Ocean Shores


Gallery of Ocean Shores

North Beach Art Guild

&  Associated Arts of Ocean Shores

Starts at 12pm


AAOS is looking for artists to paint live during the 3rd Saturday art walks in Ocean Shores. There will be artists painting at the Driftwood Mall, Dusty Trunk and at Bay Gifts. At the Driftwood Mall artists will be indoors and there can be as many artists as want to participate. For more information, Contact Ed Schroll at ewschroll@gmail.com

Artwork at the current show

Gallery Offerings

Tenants & Partners

News & Events

The Gallery
